10 Key Traits I Look For in Training Goalkeepers

When I assess whether or not I want to train an emerging goalkeeper, there are generally ten things I’m looking for.

  1. They must possess a passion for and a love of everything goalkeeping.

  2. Everyone starts where they are, but they must have a dream and a desire to be the best goalkeeper.

  3. I look for someone that brings a holistic mindset. You must keep your mind and emotions open to learn and evolve.

  4. Everyone has more to learn, so you must commit to becoming a student of the game.

  5. You’ve got to get out of your comfort zone to improve, so you must be brave. Basically, get comfortable being uncomfortable 

  6. No one is perfect. Commit to learning from failures.

  7. Bring humor and fun to your training. If you take that bag of bricks off your back, you’ll enjoy it more.

  8. Enjoy the hard work, you'll learn more.

  9. Always do extra... and then more.

  10. Be patient and never give up.

Does that sound like you? Let’s talk about working together to set goals and improve your game.


Why I Love Coaching